Podiatry Treatment

Foot treatments in Tilehurst

At Marchant Chiropody and Podiatry, we deal with all aspects of foot care. Speak to us if you have any queries.

Happy and healthy feet

Are painful feet making it difficult for you to walk? Don't worry anymore. Visit Marchant Chiropody and Podiatry in Tilehurst for quality foot treatments, whatever your problems are. From treating foot pain and cracked heels to offering expert advice on foot care and footwear, we can offer complete treatments to help you maintain healthy feet.
Frequently asked questions
foot massage session

Professional foot care

At Marchant Chiropody and Podiatry, Julia Marchant deals with all aspects of foot care.  If you are suffering with painful feet, or simply want to relax and let a professional look after your foot care, contact Julia Marchant today.

A chiropody/podiatry treatment will include general nail care followed by a specific treatment tailored to your needs, including removal of hard skin (callus), corns, ingrown toenails, cracked heels or thickened nails.

Within each treatment, foot care and footwear advice will be given and questions happily answered.  The treatment usually takes around half an hour and will leave your feet feeling refreshed and very comfortable. 
Contact us for further details.

The fee for a 30-minute treatment is £34
foot examination

We can diagnose and treat:

  • Corns and calluses
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Cracked heels
  • Fungal infections
  • Foot pain

Foot pain

Foot pain is a common problem with a wide range of possible causes. Many conditions that cause foot pain can be managed yourself at home, but you should see your podiatrist if you're concerned about any severe or persistent pain in your feet.

Corns and calluses

Corns and calluses are areas of hard, thickened skin that develop when the skin is exposed to excessive pressure or friction. They commonly occur on the feet and can cause pain and discomfort when you walk. Corns are small circles of thick skin that usually develop on the tops and sides of toes or on the sole of the foot. However, they can occur anywhere. Calluses are hard, rough areas of skin that are often yellowish in colour.

Ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail develops when the sides of the toenail grow into the surrounding skin. The nail curls and pierces the skin, which becomes red, swollen and tender.

Cracked heels

Cracked heels occur when the skin around the heels becomes thickened or dry, it loses it's suppleness and elasticity, and can split under simple pressures such as that from walking. This can lead to unsightly, painful and even bleeding, cracked heels. This can further be made worse in people who have a large fatty pad on the sole of their feet, which under pressure requires more elasticity in the skin to expand without cracking.

Fungal infections

Most fungal nail infections occur as a result of the fungi that cause athlete's foot infecting the nails. These fungi often live harmlessly on your skin, but they can sometimes multiply and lead to infections. The infection develops slowly and causes the nail to become discoloured, thickened and distorted. It's not usually serious, but can be unpleasant and difficult to treat.
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Marchant Chiropody and Podiatry, Tilehurst specialises
in complete foot treatments, including fungal nail treatments. For details, call
0118 942 6202
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